Whether you're interested in history, science or culture, there's something for everyone on Reference.
Why hell is destruction, not eternal torment. Absolute Biblical proof of conditional immortality. What was taught in the Old Testament? What did Judaism teach? In-depth discussion on Conditional Immortality, Annihilationism, Traditionalism, and more! He
But there is only the most indistinct reference to the removal of sin by the Messiah, in the sense of vicarious sufferings. In connection with what has been stated, one most important point must be kept in view. So far as their opinions can be gathered from their writings, the great ...
Open your good eye. That was my father’s code for telling us there was something we had missed. Some piece of the puzzle we had failed to see. Something we had been in too much of a hurry to take in. Even when we were on the verge of giving up and quitting, of moving on to ...
1.1.We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the verbally and plenary inspired Word of God. The Scriptures are inerrant, infallible and God-breathed and, therefore, are the final authority for faith and life (2 Tim 3:14-17). By inspiration we mean that all boo...
But instead I told her it was going to be ok and instructed C in all sorts of vicarious physical exam maneuvers. I had the sense that she was ok but then a part of my brain started up with the insidious differential: nasal septal hematoma, orbital fracture, CSF leak. And mostly I ...
Bill Delvaux:The whole purpose for why Jesus came was to remake men into his image. If he was the great hero of all time, what does that mean for us as men? I think it means that he has a heroic journey he wants us to take to become like him. There are many aspects to the ...
I don’t like Sevier’s chances of a favourable result, which is a shame, because any lawsuit that uses phrases like “intent to cause vicarious arousal” and “‘mom and pop’ porn shops” should be applauded. I would advise in future that Sevier gets a lawyer to file lawsuits on his...
5 What does Gael Lindenfield say about Jack’s parents? (a) They have not really understood Jack’s problems. (No, she doesn’t say this; she says they must balance being positive with not making life too comfortable. This doesn’t mean they haven’t understood Jack’s problems.) (b...
If the life… The power of Jesus Christ through His death, vicarious suffering at Calvary, it takes the life out of there, because God said, "In My Name they shall cast out devils." That's right. He couldn't be God and tell a lie. He has to be God and He has to be true. ...