enfant terrible (as in French) ex cathedra [Latin]: with authority, used especially of those pronouncements of the pope that are considered infallible. “I resigned myself to obeying; my father's opinions were ex cathedra in our household”. fait accompli(as in French) faux pas(as in Frenc...
Some places even banned, for a time, its prescription. Whether that drug worked, or to what extent it stemmed the degree of infection are interesting questions, the very kinds of questions Science used to be good at answering. But for a time it was adjudged verboten, and only because rule...
Schools are being forced to replace “Christmas vacation” with “winter break” in their printed schedules. At Macy’s, the word is “verboten” even though they’ve made untold millions of dollars from their sympathetic portrayal in the Christmas classic, “Miracle on 34th Street.” Carols,...
I mean, it’s just having seen dad and others struggle with it, I knew what to look for, and created for myself a “map” to see what’s real and what isn’t. DJ Drummond says: June 23, 2021 at 3:53 pm It does make me wonder how much of your depression (or your dad’s...