Vaishya What Does Vaishya Mean? Vaishyais the name traditionally given to the class of people in Indian society who worked in agriculture, trade and commerce. The Vaishya comprise the third of the four social groups in the rigid Indian caste system, which divides people into hereditary groups wi...
It is a key concept in Hinduism and refers to the four end goals of a human life. The four puruṣārthas areDharma (righteousness, moral values); Artha (prosperity, economic values); Kama (pleasure, love, psychological values); and Moksha (liberation, spiritual values). What does the wor...
What Does Adhva Mean? Adhvais a Sanskrit term with several possible translations, such as “course,”“route,”“road,”“path” or “step.” The term is generally used in yogic literature and sacred texts to refer to a step or stage on a yogi’s spiritual path or yogic journey. It ...
This Brahmin was good till B.C. 1, when Buddhists and Jains penetrated in South, and started ruling the states. These people were creed for money and wished to have power and as power mongers they felt they need money to buy the *group* of people. ...