UTUnionTerritory(India) UTUndertaker(prowrestler) UTUniversiteitTwente UTUniversityofTokyo UTUniversityofTehran UTUniversityofTartu(Estonia) UTUnitedStatestoUnitedKingdom(routingdesignation;USNavy) UTUnitTest UTUnitedTogether UTUnderwriters'Laboratories
SEDShore Establishments Division(US Navy) SEDSevere Emotional Disability SEDService d'Enseignement à Distance(French: Services for Distance Learning) SEDSweet Eagle Dreams SEDSingle-Event Disturb SEDSkin Erythema Dose SEDSingle Error Detection SEDSatellite Eligibility Determination(site) ...
STDSociety for Theological Discussion STDSubcutaneous Tissue Disorder STDSteps to Dance(dance school; California) STDSingle-Trial Decoding STDStandard Offline Test Driver STDSystem Test Directive STDSwimmer Transportation Device STDPhysically on Board under Instruction; Not Ship's Company(US Navy) ...
INIndiana(US postal abbreviation) INInch(es) INInternet INIndividual Network INIndividual Needs INIntelligence(office of, DOE) INImprovement Note INInput INIndian Navy INIndonesia INIntelligent Networking INIntelligent Network INIntelligent Notification(MiR3, Inc., San Diego, CA) ...
the navy brass the nearer the bone t the necessary and irr the neck is the part the need for the need for positive the need to reserve 5 the needham question the needs for self-ac the neglected culprit the negotiations on t the net 2 the net present value the netherland the network be...
What does ROV stand for? ‘ROV’ stands forRemotelyOperatedVehicle and almost always refers to anunderwaterROV vehicle. This article will teach you quickly and effectively about: Different types of ROVs The components of an underwater ROV ...
During one of the home showings that I had, a seller had her home tested for radon and although the levels were high, she refused to have a mitigation system put in due to the thought of radon being "fake news". Please don't listen to people who insist that radon is fake news. In...
Once they're off the first time, they go into the garment pocket because, let's be honest, they're a pain in the ass. Quote Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account,sign in nowto post with your account. ...
The function of your body that processes the food you eat, distributes it around your body as needed, and does its best to dump the leftover toxins.That makes it a major area of your daily life that dramatically affects your prevention – and ultimately your survival – of cancer. The ...
Sadly, bribes are quite common in many parts of the world, although often – as in Kathmandu – they tend to be aimed at locals rather than tourists. However, that doesn’t mean that visitors cannot be subjected to this special treatment, and when they are it does present a bit of a ...