severe dehydration, or acute hemorrhage, it is important to monitor and check urine output during surgery and recovery. If a urinary catheter is not preplaced, palpation of the animal’s bladder or visual estimation of the volume of urine voided can provide a crude estimate of urine produc...
Ethical review and approval were waived for this study because it did not involve any invasive procedure (e.g., fecal samples, voided urine, etc.), laboratory assessment, induce lifestyle changes, or impose dietary modifications. Informed Consent Statement Informed consent was obtained from all ...
(type, dosage, and duration of therapy), and intervention outcomes, including mean arterial pressure, SBP, DBP, target goal of BP, urinary protein related outcome (UAE, 24-h urine protein, UACR, or UPCR), and all-cause mortality, incidence of ESRD, cardiovascular events, and adverse events...