Basically it allows the passing of an unspecified number of Strings, so the method signature public void printStuff(String...messages) Effectively can handle the following calls printStuff("hi"); printStuff("hi", "bye"); printStuff("Hello", "How are you?", "I'm doing...
When coding an adverse effect of a drug that has been correctly prescribed and properly administered,assign the code for the nature of the adverse effect followed by the appropriate code for the adverse effect of the drug. When coding a poisoning, a code from categories T36-T50 must be assig...
0 Database error in classic ASP application 1 Out of 10, 3 times I get this error : Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e10' No value given for one or more required parameters 0 Asp Access db: Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005' Unspecified e...
Erik mentioned the huge number of errors and warnings we've had to resolve, but, in reading some of the reactions around the web, I'm afraid that some people, particularly people who know nothing about compilers and developing software, seem to have completely mistaken Erik's remarks....
Children with SGA who do not have catch-up growth until the age of four probably have an unspecified growth disorder with prenatal onset, and the cause is generally as “idiopathic” as the ISS. Cases 4 and 5 do not have short stature (height > −2 SD). Genetic testing is always ...
Some menstrual app users in Jordan report having intentions to change unspecified behaviours in response to their app information (Karasneh et al., 2020). Among those using a variety of apps in the US in the context of pregnancy prevention, nearly half were confident and a further one-...
The main L3d sublineage is L3d3a1, whose haplotype network shows a largely Khoisan centrality (not Damara) although this node is shared also by some unspecified “other Bantu”. The Southern Africa specificity of L3d3a was already noticed in the past (see here). So it is very possible ...
Does anyone has any ideas regarding kernel time? how I can debug/troubleshooting who is using kernel time correctly? Thanks, All replies (4) Tuesday, January 20, 2015 6:39 AM ✅Answered Hi, The definitive tool for finding out exactly what is using kernel time is kernrate.exe. http:/...
1 What does "2>&1" here mean? 0 Bash: what does 2>&1 mean? 1 Redirect stderr to stdout without also redirecting to a file? 0 What does 1>&2 mean in shell? 1 Crontab/Perl piping magic 0 What does >& mean in command? -1 How to understand this redirection command? See more...
Thanks Raman. But I does understand lparam and wparam which come form each preset WM. But can we create our own lparam, wparam and lresult such as my example. It is possible? Monday, July 19, 2010 8:36 PM |2 votes LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (...) ...