What does pH stand for in chemistry? What is the formula for carbonic acid? How is acid formed? What is the PKa of formic acid? What is the formula for hydrosulfuric acid? What is meant by reflux in organic chemistry? What is the formula for hydrochloric acid?
What advantage does refluxing a compound have that boiling it on a hot plate does not? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using sodium carbonate to soften water? Why does intake of vitamin C help to alleviate the symptoms of scurvy? Explain with reasons based on specific enzymes inv...
How lectins and leaky gut may be related by making the condition worse. Some theorize these glycans may even be triggering it in the first place in an otherwise healthy GI tract which does not have abnormal “holes” in it. How lectins function to do this byirritating the intestinal lining....
It is worth taking note that pH levels of seven (7) is the neutral level, under seven (<7) is the acidic, and above seven (>7) is the alkaline. You may have encountered diet fads or special kinds of drinks that claim to be “high alkaline.” What does this mean, and how does ...
Obesity is much like many other diseases in that medication can help, but just because your condition improves doesn’t mean you no longer need medicine. AOMs can help change your brain chemistry so you’re more apt to make healthy choices. Once you stop taking one, your old brain ...
Just because you can’t see it or feel it does not mean it isn’t there hiding under the skin. Treat each other kindly. Treat each other in a way that makes you proud of yourself. Actually, treat other kindly because your own child is watching you. You show them what is right and...
If you're considering a 3 day fast but have never fasted before, here are some lessons and experiences to prepare for so you don't learn them the hard way.
started having acid reflux, a number of UTIs and broke out into severe hives and rashes. This was all because I was going through the change of life and the water seemed to enhance the symptoms. Each time I stopped drinking the water, the systems diminished. It does give you energy, and...
We've been drinking distilled water all these years and have absolutely no joint pain, arthritis, acid reflux, etc. It's true that distilled water has a ph of 6.2 -- so what? If you don't think your mineral intake is up to par, then add a few drops of minerals, fresh lemon, org...
I mean, what would you do with that?’ There’s nothing you can do with that, other than be amused. Which I am. It makes me giggle.” He goes on. “It’s fun, but I’m old enough to realize it’s not to be taken seriously. But it does make me twinkle.” ...