The JavaScript void operator evaluates the given expression and then returns a value of undefined. You may ocassionally encounter an HTML document that uses href="JavaScript:Void(0);" within an element.JavaScript void is often used when, inserting an expression into a web page may produce an ...
wtf... If you use == and the types aren't the same, js simply does a === which obviously fails because, oh my, the types aren't the same... Every variable and object can be equated to true or false. In the case of objects, undefined is false, anything else is true. This ac...
javascript: void(0) means return undefined as a primitive value. We use this to prevent any negative effects on a webpage when we insert some expression. For example, in the case of URL hyperlinks. Hyperlinks open by reloading the page when the user clicks on the link. When you need to...
Thevoidoperator evaluates the given expression and then returnsundefined. Thevoidoperator is often used merely to obtain theundefinedprimitive value, usually using “void(0)” (which is equivalent to “void 0”). In these cases, the global variableundefinedcan be used instead (assuming it has no...
-1 What does this mean in javascript: var obj = (function(){ ... })() See more linked questions Related 10 Self-Invoking Functions in JavaScript 3 What are self-calling functions in JavaScript? 5 What is a self-executing anonymous function or what is this code doing? 7 Jav...
What is the difference between unknown, void, null and undefined, never in ts? What are generic constraints in ts? Two ways to define an array type Type assertion in ts Generic functions and generic interfaces How to understand as const? What does declare global mean? How to add a global...
JavaScript In the example above, the content of our function is running in strict mode, so the global object is not eligible for the default binding in this case. The value ofthis, in this case, is set to undefined. Arrow Functions ...
Node.js 15 Is Out! What Does It Mean for You?6 min read The Node.js team has announced the release of a new major version— Node.js 15 🎉! While a new release is always exciting, some folks are wondering what it means for them. How do the changes affect me, and what should ...
" mean? Issue /var/log/messages or /var/log/mcelog contain the following messages : Raw kernel: Machine check events logged mcelog: MCE 0 mcelog: HARDWARE ERROR. This is *NOT* a software problem! mcelog: Please contact your hardware vendor...
If you learned JavaScript before 2015, this type didn’t exist. It seems that symbol is the only new JavaScript type that has been added since JavaScript was created! The others are object, function, string, number, boolean, and undefined....