That leads to the humane treatment of pigs and all sorts of things that some people like. Is organic bacon more expensive? Yes. Does it taste a whole lot different than regular bacon? Maybe and maybe not. Do you feel better about buying it? A lot of people would say yes and that ...
I've been curing a half pork shoulder for 12 days now with Buckboard Bacon cure. I followed the directions exactly...and turned the meat after 5 days.It's bitter cold here in New England and I'd like to wait another couple of days or so before I smoke it. What is the longest you...
All the "uncured" organic/natural hams and bacon have it, not to mention everything else that is supposed to be "organic". I'm having to look for "salt free" things like chips, which I sprinkle table salt on to eat or make everything at home. I'm seriously considering curing my ...