4-19-12 srslydontknowlol says: spaceship* Reply -52 5-1-12 jack scott says: what does this mean :)) at the end of a message Reply +46 5-1-12 jack scott says: no this :)) Reply +27 6-20-12 curlyfry says: you mean ( : ) but with out the spaces? that...
It's 32-bit W7 - can I delete any 64-bit files if they are in there. If I have 1 language (or 2, say, real English and English - American) why can't I delete Cantonese and Ukrainian and Tagalog and Hindu and... Does this mean that as we progres...
It's 32-bit W7 - can I delete any 64-bit files if they are in there. If I have 1 language (or 2, say, real English and English - American) why can't I delete Cantonese and Ukrainian and Tagalog and Hindu and... Does this mean that as we progress ...