Usage Stats for Document Auto-scan View the total number of auto-scans you have totally purchased, carried forward, and remaining scans distinctly in the Documents tab. 26 December 2019 New Report: Detailed General Ledger Added the Detailed General Ledger report to allow you to view the complete...
Since the visual assessment of CIs to determine significant mean differences is not a formal statistical test, we also performed Bonferroni-adjusted pairwise comparisons. These showed that in all cases where the CIs of two means clearly did not overlap, a significant difference at p < .05 was ...
All I know is that when you can't get a simple answer as to why something hasn't happened after years upon years of asking it has to make you wonder why they can't just man up. I mean they don't even tell you they are looking into adding the feature. Also the online community ...
Mean field emissions are observed between 5 and 10 g-N ha−1 d-1. A value of 50 g-N ha−1 d-1 proved to be a very high N2O flux value, even during N2O emission peaks in spring when farmers were fertilizing. Among the 24 soil plots considered, we therefore assumed that soil ...
However, urbanization process does not only generate benefit outputs but also produce undesirable outputs such as greenhouse gas emission, water pollution, and other types of pollutant discharge. Therefore, both good outputs (benefits) and undesirable outputs should be taken into account in order to ...
Compared with the co-crystallized ligands, the observed root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of the docked ligands with minimal binding energy should be around 2.0 Å, suggesting that the scoring parameters implemented in both AutoDock 4.2 and AutoDock Vina 1.1 are accurate [110]. 7. Conclusions...
In this paper, we take a holistic view which sees the technical, social and policy challenges of the IoT as being intertwined. 2.3. Development of Standards for the Future IoT By standards we mean guidelines for "how to do" the activities which must be done at all levels in designing, ...