The response is the same“tudo bem”. “Legal”, pronounced “leh-gal” means “cool” and “nossa” means “wow”. “Bom dia”, “Boa tarde” and “Boa noite” mean “Good Morning”, “Good Afternoon” and “Good Night” respectively. What's the meaning of Obrigado? 'Obrigado' mean...
"He lost your shoe" (ele perdeu seu sapato)obs: many times, seu and teu are used interchangeably in informal speech, tu with seu, você with teu etc, brazilians are not very rigid with grammar, so it may end up causing confusion on those who are learning portuguese as a foreign languag...
What's the most natural way to say "Feels like ..." in Portuguese? As some weather applications d... Os encontros musicais, fórmula já consagrada no festival de Verão, reúnem artistas de estilos bem...Newest Questions Show more The newest model of ChatGPT translated this into Portugues...