Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) that most often affect the lungs.Tuberculosis is curable and preventable. TB is spread from person to person through the air.
What has overtaken tuberculosis as the disease that causes the most adult deaths worldwide? A) Malaria B) Measles C) Syphilis D) AIDS. Infectious diseases: Infectious diseases are medical conditions and illnesses that are easily transmitted ...
Is Mycobacterium tuberculosis a bacterium? Why was tuberculosis called consumption? Is Roman fever tuberculosis? What is the causative agent of bacterial meningitis? What is the pathophysiology of pneumonia? How does tuberculosis affect homeostasis? What is the disease process of pneumonia? Is Mycobacteri...
Fibrin is one of the many types of proteins the human body produces. It is made to react to bleeding. It makes up a great portion of blood clots. Fibrin is strong and is in the shape of long chains. Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: ...
GERD affects many Americans, and chronic cough is estimated to affect 11 percent of the US population. However, it's difficult to determine the actual percentage of chronic cough that GERD is causing. Other issues can cause a chronic cough. These includeasthma, nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis...
Aftertuberculosisdiagnosis, a person will most likely need treatment. If he has been diagnosed but does not have symptoms, his treatment may be preventative in nature. If, on the other hand, his case is active, he will typically be treated with drugs that kill the bacteria that cause tubercu...
Leprosy:Leprosyis an ancient bacterial disease that can affect your skin, nerves, mucus membranes, and eyes. Tuberculosis:Tuberculosisis caused by a bacteria and usually infects the lungs, though it can affect any part of the body. Tularemia:Tularemiais a bacterial disease that causes a wide ra...
Health conditions.Lung diseasessuch as tuberculosis and sarcoidosis can raise your blood levels of vitamin D. In turn, your gut will absorb more calcium. Paget's disease and an overactive thyroid are also linked to hypercalcemia. Inactivity.Your bones release calcium if you don't put your body...
“Pasteurization does not negatively affect the nutrition or bioavailability of components in milk,” Lucey said. “The milk is not sterilized or boiled. If we go through the major components of milk, pasteurization has zero effect on fats, zero effect on protein, and zero effect on the minera...
How does Mycobacterium tuberculosis cause tuberculosis? What is the causative agent of tuberculosis? What does Mycobacterium tuberculosis eat? How does Mycobacterium tuberculosis affect the body? What are the virulence factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis? Why can't macrophages kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis...