The phrase ‘blue and green should never be seen unless there’s a colour in between’ simply does not apply to Vivid Audio’s side-side-by-side positioning of its Kaya S12 (green) and Giya G2, which looked gorgeous next to one another in Avation’s room. The former, hooked up to...
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who...
I also found it’s going to be screened in Canberra on 8 Aug 2014. In case any of you are in Canberra and interested, go to here. Documentary has never been the popular movie type, but recently (I mean 2012) a popular documentary series suddenly hit the air in China and started th...
known for her experimental textile process. Just last year she took out one of the biggest accolades in Australian art, the Archibald Prize for her portrait of Aussie singer Montaigne (Jessica Cerro). Not to mention, Gutman was the youngest person to do so in 85 years. Now, the Archibald ...
We sometimes have periods of time in which the small minded among us are ascendant but they are always undone by the meanness of their kind and so it will be this time too. Might is not right. We who are the meek will as is said, will inherit....