What Does TROLL Mean in a Text? home▸search t▸TROLL The Quick Answer A TROLL is a "Deliberately Disruptive Online Commentator." More Detail... An internet TROLL is a person who posts deliberately provocative messages online, in message forums or on social media, with the intention of...
Troll What does troll mean? 378 +29 A person who posts offensive comments A troll is a person who posts offensive comments to get a reaction. Trolls often live in forums and online chat sessions but may appear wherever there are Internet users....
What Does Troll Mean? A troll is a member of an Internet community who posts offensive, divisive and controversial comments. Advertisements Often, a troll will make obvious and inflammatory statements that are meant to bait new users (newbies) into reacting. This is sometimes called trolling. ...
TrollingWhat does trolling mean? 94 30 +64 Posting offensive commentsA term that stands for the act of posting offensive or inflammatory comments to invoke some kind of reaction; often includes statements that are false yet sneaky so that people believe them....
@SeaPebblesi think it's the internet one.
troll Definitions include: an unattractive female or one with a bad reputation. crapware Definitions include: software that comes installed by default on PCs sold by some vendors. FOAD Definitions include: acronym for "fuck off and die".
The word twink refers to a young-looking man with a thin, hairless physique. Here's what to know about the origin of the term, and the different types of twink.
What Does Patent Troll Mean? A patent troll is a person or company that buys patents solely for enforcement in court against alleged infringers. In many cases, patent trolls do not intend to further develop or sell the patented technology but use the patent as a way to increase profits in ...
What does ROFLMFAO mean? ROFLMFAO is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the ROFLMFAO definition is given. Other terms relating to 'rolling': ·9_9Rolling the eyes ·RMERolling My Eyes ·ROFCRolling On Floor Crying ...
Female here who plays both and I don't see my character as a representation of 'me' at all. Curious, if playing the other gender is weird cause it's not 'you', then how does the same not apply when people play as any race besides human? None of us are elves or pandas IRL. It...