Data was analyzed, organized, and synthesized in accordance with core domains and specific components proposed by Hanson and Lang's ( 2014 ) trauma-informed care framework. Findings suggest that practice of TIA differed by system and was largely driven by experiential and informal learning ...
What does it mean to be trauma-informed? The first step to helping students who’ve experienced trauma is being trauma-informed. First and foremost, this means being curious about what a student’s behavior is telling you. What does their behavior tell you about what they’ve experienced? Wh...
Understanding the Consequences of Sexual Assault: What Does It Mean for Prevention to Be Trauma Informed? Understanding the consequences of sexual assault: What does it mean for prevention to be trauma informed. In L. Orchowski & C. Gidycz (Eds.) Sexual Assault Risk Reduction and Resistance -...
Before we explore the 'how-to,' let's understand the 'what' of trauma-informed teaching. Trauma isn't just about big, dramatic events. It's like an iceberg – what you see on the surface is just a fraction of what's beneath. It could be anything from a family move to a change i...
James is riding to draw national attention to the need for “trauma-informed schools,” key to the movement for “Trauma-Informed Care (TIC)” in education, health, and all public systems. But what is Trauma-Informed Care, and what’s a trauma-informed school ? (Hint: all the pix in ...
“Trauma-Informed Care” is a term that is typically used in medical and mental health fields, but can also be applied to social work, education, and really any other setting. This approach acknowledges the widespread impact and symptoms of trauma, while actively integrating knowledge about trauma...
Most people understand trauma to mean any stressful event that has a significant and lasting impact on an individual. That’s a solid working definition, but where treatment and recovery are concerned, it needs to be expanded to include the role trauma plays in the lives of peoplestruggling wit...
Trauma-informed care: What to look for, and how to help RDHKyle Isaacs, BHS, RDHEP
However, Mezulis notes that even people without a history of trauma can be triggered when something elicits a strong emotional reaction. Some people cope with stressful events more easily than others; consider the impact such events might have on people with mental illnesses. ...
Trauma-Informed Leadership in Quality Improvement: What We Learned From Practicing in a Pandemic doi:10.1542/peds.2023-063424Gwounds and injuriesburnoutpandemicscovid-19PediatricsBethlyn Vergo Houlihan, MSW, MPHElizabeth Ethier, MPHRubina Veerakone, MPHMegan Eaves, MSWRenee Turchi, MD, MPHChristopher ...