z = transpose(X); W = W + (a .* e .* X)/(z * X); Y =W; 4 Comments Show 2 older comments H.S on 14 Dec 2019 Open in MATLAB Online Thank you for your answer. I tried with this code that you've told me, but it has error because of undefined X. I'm not sure...
But if mathworks does not do that with matlab, I don't know if anybody else will bother with it. So please consider offering something in that direction, because very soon it seems that writing code without option for copilot assistance will not be conceivable. 2 Replies Reply 1 d...
.* means matrix product, if you don't write . will Matlab product the numbers on the same position.編
MATLAB®and theMATLAB Support Package for Quantum Computingprovide built-in quantum gates and customizable composite gates that enable you to build, simulate, and run quantum circuits. Multiqubit gates in MATLAB includeqftGateandmcxGate, among others. Additionally, thecompositeGatesfunction enables the...
How did MATLAB diagonalize this matrix? Here is the thing: The diagonalizable matrices are dense in ! (You probably have heard that before…) What does that mean numerically? Any matrix that you represent in floating point numbers is actually a representative of a whole bunch of matrices. Each...
There seem to be definite relations between mass and energy in your plots. With the electrons, the high- and low-energy plots seem to be defined by one curve, but the others’ high- and low-energy plots have different characteristics, increasingly disparate as the mass in...
You can either input a vector as a column vector, or input it as a row vector and then transpose it (like I did with v). Sign in to comment. Kevin Phung on 4 Feb 2019 Vote 0 Link Open in MATLAB Online your time vector and velocities are not the same length.. ...
Does that help? Reply Lindsay Peters July 20, 2018 at 10:41 am # Yes that helps, thanks. Confirms that for the Weka confusion matrix, columns are predicted and rows are actual – the transpose of the definition you are using, as you point out. I hadn’t realised that both formats...
What does #6541 mean? Subscribe More actions JVanB Valued Contributor II 02-05-2016 06:04 PM 777 Views There was a question in stack overflow about implementing Matlab's diff function in Fortran. First attempt: ! diff.f90 module M use ISO_FORTRAN_ENV implicit none private public ...
The trace is useful in calculations with the Frobenius norm of an matrix: where denotes the conjugate transpose. For example, we can generalize the formula for a complex number to an matrix by splitting into its Hermitian and skew-Hermitian parts: where and . Then If a matrix is not explici...