I also like to bring a pair of lightweight waterproof hiking shoes like myMerrell Siren 3. You’ll be thankful for a pair of waterproof shoes with good traction like this, particularly on wet days. Some parts of Africa don’t see rain often, and when it does rain the ground can quickl...
Stop by the New Smyrna Museum of History first to learn about the original Native Americans, the Spanish’s arrival, how indigo dye became a cash crop for the city, and its totally tubular surfing scene. Afterward, head across the street from the museum is Old Fort Park, which is open ...
The second graph is arranged byObjective, but the *tubular* part is that, even though Objective is by middle letters, it’s *also*arranged by the4Toi, because the four function combos correlate with the 4Toi too!!! Yay!!! That means the four corners are more specialized at those respec...
Sharp Objects—Oddly, sometimes sharp objects pass uneventfully because the intestinal tract detects their sharpness and does not spasm around them as it does with smoother objects. Should your dog swallow something sharp, try feeding him 1/2 to 1 slice of high-fiber bread that will wrap around...
Does that mean that no steel coaster is ever rehabbed and track replaced - no - it has happened and will continue to happen on a case-by-case basis. Expand I agree with you. I just don’t like when people say a model in general has a service life because there’s too many fact...
(testate) amoeboid denizens of the deep-sea bottom, including the 3 cm 'living fossil'Gromia sphaerica[106]. The multinucleate green algaCaulerpais, however, the champion unicellular organism, with a tubular stolon extending to a length of one meter or more, as well as a remarkable degree ...
Epigenetic effects of oocyte vitrification in humans and animals (a global overview). Numbers in brackets mean the number of studies reporting differences out of the total number of studies in the literature Full size image In animals, the studies were conducted mainly in cattle and murine animals...
For Lisa’s talent show number, producers wanted to use something from South Pacific but couldn’t nab the rights. Instead, they asked Jane to write something. And she did, right there on the fly, totally improvised. However, Brucker didn’t receive proper credit for the tune until 2002....
It is important to note that nerve-free Hydra is not totally devoid of sensory input from the external world, however, as it does respond to strong mechanical stimulation. This finding implies epi- thelial cells possess mechanoreceptors themselves and can transduce a mechanical stimulus received ...
Either way my pretty transient AM library is less focused on genre than some of my other iTunes libraries, but I've long since given up expecting any commercial entity to tag music in the way I might elect to do. That doesn't mean we shouldn't pressure distributors to ...