A sea eagle (also called erne or ern, mostly in reference to the white-tailed eagle) is any of the birds of prey in the genus Haliaeetus in the bird of prey family Accipitridae. What does Deresive mean? :expressing or causing contemptuous ridicule or scorn: expressing or causing derision ...
1a :dull or expressionless especially from continued indulgence in alcoholic beveragessodden features. b : torpid, sluggish sodden minds. 2a : heavy with or as if with moisture or water the sodden ground. What does mean unexpectedly? not expected; unforeseen; surprising:an unexpected pleasure;an u...
What does "fervor" mean? Fervor means intense and passionate feeling. 6 Can "fervent" be used to describe physical heat? Yes, though less commonly, it can describe something very hot. 6 What is a synonym for "fervor"? A synonym for fervor is zeal. 4 Can an inanimate object be describe...
What does it mean for a gene to be dominant? A dominant gene is one that is expressed in the phenotype, overshadowing its recessive counterpart. 14 Can a dormant gene become dominant? Yes, a dormant gene can become dominant if environmental or genetic conditions activate its expression. 10 Ar...
Choosing the ACA as the initial battle, according to a Barclays research note, could mean “comprehensive tax reform is delayed into 2018.” Goldman Sachs economists concur, writing: “The recent difficulty congressional Republicans have had in moving forward on Obamacare repeal does not bode well...
1. What does torpor mean? In torpor is a state of mental and motor inactivity with partial or total insensibility (involuntary). It is an extreme sluggishness or stagnation of metabolic function that lasts for a shorter duration. 2. Is torpor a type of dormancy?
1a :dull or expressionless especially from continued indulgence in alcoholic beveragessodden features. b : torpid, sluggish sodden minds. 2a : heavy with or as if with moisture or water the sodden ground. What does the Bible mean by haughty eyes?
Definitions of dazedly.adverb.in a daze; in a dazed manner. “he wondered dazedly whether the term after next at his new school wouldn't matter so much” synonyms: torpidly. What does stuporous mean medically? Stupor isunresponsiveness from which a person can be aroused only by vigorous,...
What does "wake" mean in a funeral context? A "wake" is a ceremony held for a deceased person before burial, allowing loved ones to pay respects. Share Your Discovery Share via Social Media Embed This Content Embed Code Share Directly via Messenger Link Previous ComparisonRed Kangaroo vs....
Fig.: Symbol of hardness and insensibility; torpidness; insensibility; as, a heart of stone. I have not yet forgot myself to stone. Rock (intransitive) To do well or to be operating at high efficiency. Stone A stand or table with a smooth, flat top of stone, commonly marble, on whic...