What does gunnery officer mean? : an officer (as in the U.S. Navy) whohas general charge of the care and maintenanceof the battery, ordnance material, and ammunition of a warship, superintends gun drills, and directs the gunnery training of the crew. What does gunnery sergeant mean? 40...
The major difference betweenbaggageandluggageisn’t in the concrete meaning but in the figurative meaning: we say “emotional baggage,”“political baggage,” and “personal baggage” to refer to intangible things that get in the way—butluggageis never used in this way. Baggagecan also mean “...
"Charge" refers to the amount or cost required for a service or a specific energy state of particles, while "charging" is the process of replenishing power to a device or battery.
The act of commanding; exercise or authority of influence. Command (military) A body or troops, or any naval or military force, under the control of a particular officer; by extension, any object or body in someone's charge. Command Dominating situation; range or control or oversight; extent...
What does pecuniary mean in English? 1 :consisting of or measured in moneypecuniary aid pecuniary gifts. 2 : of or relating to money pecuniary needs pecuniary rewards. What does Obstrude mean? 1 : to thrust out : extrude. 2 : to force or impose (oneself, one's ideas, etc.) without ...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…
ESG has become a buzz term in the ITAD industry- but what does it mean? ESG stands for environmental, social, and corpor... Are We Being “Smart” or Creating More E-waste? Posted Feb 13th,2023 Our smart devices are ever-evolving, from our phones to our watches and everything in ...
Within weeks, I was neck deep in a local ad-hoc organization since we decided that our congregation did not have enough resources to sponsor refugees. By sponsorship, I mean that everything to assist a family or two of Vietnamese refugees over their first months or years in the US would...
I believe it still does. To develop foresight, we need to practice hindsight. Studying the past is always more about the present than anything else. Historical study does not so much recapture “real” persons and events as it does “reflect back to us a set of contemporary concerns.” (...
Basic industrial composition here refers to the proportions of the key economic sectors in the gross product of a regional economy (Atikian, 2013). The COVID-19 pandemic entails a much wider socio-economic crisis than the economic one does. The priority of resilience thus is not economic, but...