He said that a person who said that he “trained soldiers for combat” at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, told him that trainees could hold up a card “if you were too mean to them” and you had to back off, and that basic training was so easy now that it is a joke. The businessma...
Learn what bounce is, what it does, and have at least 1 wedge with a lot more bounce than your other wedges. 6 degrees is low, 16 is high. Typically a sand wedge has 14 or 16 degrees bounce, so if your Wilson set includes a sand, as you say, it prob. has the big bounce. No...
For some who make me way too competitive, I'll think "shoot" and get in my head. Overall, the average tends to be alon the lines of "ah well, let's figure out the next shot." tony@CIC 1 Quote Rag tag bag, but it does the job. ...
The chef caught some heat after an Instagram Live session where she appeared not to know that the “F” in FDA stands for food. “What do you mean, ‘FDA approved’?” she said vehemently in response to a question. “I don’t sell medical products. The Pink Sauce...
I mean in the same way it doesn’t make sense to pay more for UHT organic milk, wouldn’t paying a lot more for organic dairy products made from UHT organic milk be the same – basically worthless? The milk question of what kind of milk you should buy is even much bigger than just...
help my good friend Vladimir Putin defeat Ukraine; break ground in Moscow for my new Trump Hotel; ensure that school children learn about the anatomy of famous golf legends and declare myself a dictator on day one. It’s a big agenda, but our nation’s wounds cannot he healed until I ...