Oh by all means, this is all very interesting to me and my original question has largely been answered. I am far from minding the change in conversation. On 7/16/2022 at 3:37 PM, Moshen said: For example, when a hotel took our passports to make copies of them in the back room,...
Re: What does this script means? this.menus = { root: new Array }; "this" keyword can only be used when within an object. If you just write it in the global part of the script, it won't do anything. Also, to create a new array, you must specify arguments: new Array(10)// ...
Read these questions before you watch the video website, then what's the evil side? And answer the questions that. Who is calling lawrence? Who does the caller want to speak to? Why doesn't the manager answered the phone? What is the message left by david to the manager? Why does la...
애매하다 means you're not sure, not clear we use it when we have limited time to do something but you don't know if you can do it in time 10시까지 가야하는데 시간이 애매하네 i have to go there by 10. but I'm not sure ...
what does this mean?i don't understand the 뭘 at the end of the sentence what meaning does it have?good or bad?是什么意思? sogang_eco 2023年6月10日 韩语 There is a friend like 바바라. 뭘 indicates a humble expression of not being great when the other party praises or apprec...
Hi, what does お腹下す mean? I've never seen this expression before? Please teach me the meaning 🙏是什么意思? MakotoMikasa 3月14日 日语 The expression "お腹を下す(腹を下す)" means "to have diarrhea." 「アイスの食べ過ぎで腹を下した。」 ...
Well, the expression above which I always consider as "struggle", however, during the conversation...
どこをどう usually means 'where and how'.Here are some examples.腕時計が壊れてしまったが、どこをどうなおしたらいいのか分からない。My watch is broken, but I don't know where or how to fix it.日本の教育のどこをどう変えるべきだと思いますか?How and which parts of Japanese ...
Tiens,pronounced "tyeh(n)," is a classic informal expression that does a lot of jobs in the French lexicon, from the polite command "Here, take this" to the interjections "Hey," "Listen," "Look," and more. In English, literally, it means "hold," but its usage goes far beyond th...
(1)What exactly does the L2 learner come to know? (2)How does the L2 leaner acquire this knowledge? (3)Why are some learners more successful than others? 2.Why there are no simple answers to thesequestions? (P2) Chapter 2 foundations of second language acquisition 1.Multilingualism:the ab...