What does the hyena represent in Life of Pi? What does the zebra represent in Life of Pi? What does the tiger in Life of Pi symbolize? What does the sloth symbolize to Pi in Life of Pi? What is the tiger called in Life of Pi?
Life of Pi:Yann Martel's 2001 novel Life of Pi follows the adventures of Piscine Patel, known to his family as Pi. During an ocean crossing from India to Canada, the ship bearing Pi, his family, and their zoo animals becomes caught in a terrible storm. The ship is destroyed, and Pi...
In 'The Pit and the Pendulum,' the narrator is brought before the board of inquisitors during the Spanish Inquisition. He is put in a torture chamber;... Learn more about this topic: The Pit and the Pendulum | Summary, Themes & Symbolism ...
What does the Lion represent in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz? What does the lion represent in The Faerie Queene? What do the hawks symbolize in The Alchemist? What are McMurphy's tattoos in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and what do they symbolize?
What is the glass castle and what does it symbolize in The Glass Castle? What event shapes Brian Walls in The Glass Castle? What is the tone of The Glass Castle? What is the Prospector in The Glass Castle? What is the overall theme of The Glass Castle?
What does the moth in Wide Sargasso Sea represent? What does the ocean symbolize in The Pearl? What does the seashell represent in Number the Stars? What does the orangutan represent in Life of Pi? What does the owl symbolize in Bless Me Ultima?
What river are they on in Heart of Darkness? What does the forest symbolize in Heart of Darkness? What does Kurtz's death symbolize in Heart of Darkness? What are some symbols in Heart of Darkness? What does the sun symbolize in Heart of Darkness?
In The Old Man and the Sea, what does the marlin symbolize? What does the caged bird symbolize in Siddhartha? What does the zebra represent in Life of Pi? What is the tone of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi? What do the wolves represent in The Interlopers?
What happened to the zebra in Life of Pi? What happened to the matches in To Build a Fire? How might Rappaccini's Daughter relate to Allegory of the Cave? What happened to Junito in A Long Way Gone? In "The Most Dangerous Game" what does the cellar look like?
What does the farmhouse symbolize in Animal Farm? What happened to Rosie the elephant in Water for Elephants? What does the cat represent in Animal Farm? In Animal Farm, which animals start teaching the others? What is the role of religion in ''Animal Farm''?