What Does This Mean For Us Practically? In consideration of the specific Greek term for “women” that Paul uses in 1 Corinthians 11, his commands about head covering must apply specifically to adult women and are not biblically necessary for children to observe. Some parents don’t require th...
If you’re looking for a biblically-based daily devotional, one that relates to all of life, including your daily work, check out Life for Leaders. I am the primary writer for this devotional, to which you can subscribe for free. You can check out Life for Leaders and/or to subscribe ...
All nations were to be evangelized, and they were to be made disciples of Christ admitted into the fellowship of Christ's religion by baptism. (Matthew 28:19) It appears to have been a kind of transition from the Jewish baptism to the Christian. The distinction between John's baptism ...
The most dangerous idols that we can become disciples to are the ones that do not seem like idols. One of Satan’s greatest powers is making people think that he does not have any power. That does not mean that shopping malls are evil institutions that should be avoided altogether, though...
To be clear, I begin to fear we may be living through the death of the republic—the transition to empire that historical experience has led us to expect—but it’s not all Trump. It’s a truly bipartisan effort. I am just fine with a vibe shift that gets us away from ESG, DEI,...
eternal life. As a result of our atonement the believer having died to sin now hates it and instead desires and does good. Jesus Christ, having obtained our atonement through His death, arose from the dead on the third day, has ascended into heaven and sat down on the right hand of the...