What does Mesha mean in the Bible? In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Mesha is:Burden, salvation. Moabite Stone (Mesha Stele) 25 related questions found What is a Moabite woman? Introduction. Moabite women are double trouble in the Hebrew Bible: theyare both foreigner and female. F...
The Dead Sea is referred to in the Bible as the “Salt Sea” and has also been called the Sea of Sodom, the Sea of Lot and the Stinking Sea because of the rotten
What does being salty mean in the Bible? To enhance the earth with a positive influence, and to preserve the good in it from the wicked ways of man. To maintain a focus on the Lord and His will for us all. You see being "salty" is a good thing-something we are called to. By ...
Read What Does the Bible Say about the "End Times" and "Last Days" of the World? by Heather Caliri. Christian women faith articles, encouragement, growth.
Does that mean a person can be “for” Christ without knowing it? Imagine what it would take to stand up to Satan and help a Christian during this time — can one do so without the power of Christ? I don’t know the answer to this. ...
Faith is one of those words that is commonly used but not always understood. So, when the Bible uses the word faith, what does it mean? Faith is confidence and trust in who God is and what He says. Christianity.com Editorial Staff Christianity.com Updated Jan 05, 2024 ...
In order to understand Jesus’ words, we must reflect on the many facets of the crucial Hebrew term shalom, which lies behind the English word “peace.” Shalom is one of the key words and images for salvation in the Bible. The Hebrew word refers most commonly to a person being ...
Where shall we find that mysterious number 666? Does the pope, as some claim, wear it on his crown, identifying him as the beast of Revelation 13? Or must we look for it elsewhere? Here are all the Bible scriptures speaking directly of this number: "And that no man might buy or sell...
in reference to the beasts of the field, then I may consent to argue the manhood of the slave. When the dogs in your streets, when the fowls of the air, when the cattle on your hills, when the fish of the sea, and the reptiles t...
The Apocalypse? What doesthatword mean? According to Dictionary.com, it means “revelation, disclosure, uncover, reveal.” I found the title page to my mother’s 1982, Holman Bible Publishers, King James Version, it reads:“THE REVELATION TO JOHN (The Apocalypse)."Or in today’s vernacular...