We have also been given the charge to spread the gospel and to hold fast to the Word of God. We are entrusted with the Word, to rightly interpret, to meditate upon it, and to love God’s Word (Ps 119.97). May the Lord, who has entrusted us with His Holy Word, grant us strengt...
or make propitiation. When Peter tells the suffering Christians to extend covering love, that can’t be compared to God’s amazing covering of our sin; but our actions are to flow from His example. God’s love does not take into account a wrong after it’s been dealt with biblically—co...
f. We believe that this view is the one that is most biblically based of all. InRomans 11:17-27, the apostle Paul used the analogy of an olive tree to illustrate this. Let me summarise what he wrote: The Covenant is represented by an olive tree. The Israelites are the natural branche...
f. We believe that this view is the one that is most biblically based of all. InRomans 11:17-27, the apostle Paul used the analogy of an olive tree to illustrate this. Let me summarise what he wrote: The Covenant is represented by an olive tree. The Israelites are the natural branche...