Namaste is a Sanskrit phrase combining two phrases to mean “I bow to you” or “The divine in me bows to the divine in you.” It is a common Hindu/Indian greeting. Not only is it a salutation but it is used as a sign of reverence and respect. However, i
Demons. The term demon is derived from the Greek word daimōn, which meansa “supernatural being” or “spirit.” Though it has commonly been associated with an evil or malevolent spirit, the term originally meant a spiritual being that influenced a person's character. What does devil literall...
What does the word mosque literally mean Class 7? The sultans of Delhi built many mosques (in Arabic called masjid, literallya place where a Muslim prays to Allah) in cities all over the Indian sub-continent. This allowed them to say that they were the protectors of Islam and Muslims, an...
Rabbi Yanklowitz acknowledges the abrupt ending of the book of Jonah and suggests that, “We might write a fifth chapter entertaining the possibilities: does Jonah die, repent, return to Israel, or move to Nineveh? Does he get on board with God’s message of forgiveness, or is he punished...
The wine in question was a red from Israel's Domaine Castel. "It was delicious. It helped me realize that a good kosher wine could be as good as any good non-kosher wine." He and Leslie Rudd (of Napa's Rudd Estate) started Covenant the following year. What's the origin of kosher...
In English, the word “perfect” literally means “made complete” or “completely done.” (Interestingly enough, that’s close to what it meant for John Wesley when he talked about going on to perfection, going on to completion, not necessarily unblemished but the way it was meant to be....
And that right there is the problem. What does it mean for machines to understand speech or write a sentence? What kinds of tasks could we ask such machines to do? And how much should we trust the machines to do them? As this technology moves from prototype to product faster and faster...
He's actually going to be here. He's on a flight right now to come to hang out for a couple of months here in Israel. So I'm super excited about that as well. Andre Norman: Oh, I have to come to visit as well. I mean, it's definitely on the list of things to do for ...
I’m reminded of the former on trips back to Germany; from the red-tiled roofs covered in government-subsidised solar panels in Freiburg, to the palette of recycling bins crowding Berlin courtyards. Does it mean that we should all be a bit more German? Not exactly. Keep in mind, this ...
Arms Shipments to Israel Oct. 3: Scammer pretending to be famous rock guitarist steals almost $184,000 from terminally ill woman Oct. 11: They wrote a book while locked in solitary confinement. Texas won’t let them read it Oct. 12: A Mysterious Hacking Group Has 2 New Tools to Steal ...