Of God's Infinity Quest. 1. WHAT is the sense and meaning of this word, infinity? A. It signifies that which hath no bounds or limits, within which it is contained, as all created things are. Q. 2. In how many respects is God infinite? A. God is infinite and boundless in ...
What does the word “Gospel” actually mean? Here is one dictionary’s definition: “The word gospel comes from the Old English word god meaning ‘good’ and spel meaning ‘news, a story.’ In Christianity, the term ‘good news’ refers to the story of Jesus Christ’s birth, death, ...
Om is believed to be an invocation to the highest divinity or Godhead, as it embodies both Brahma (the creator) and Vishnu (the preserver). As such, it is a powerful symbol that can help bring peace and harmony into any situation. The three letters that make up this sacred symbol repre...
Freebase. Sabellianism. In Christianity, Sabellianism, isthe nontrinitarian belief that the Heavenly Father, Resurrected Son and Holy Spirit are different modes or aspects of one monadic God, as perceived by the believer, rather than three distinct persons within the Godhead. Who started sabell...
Christocentric is a doctrinal term within Christianity, describing theological positions that focus on Jesus Christ, the second person of the Christian Trinity, in relation to the Godhead/God the Father or the Holy Spirit. What is crystal centric mean?
Therefore Aristotle is the godhead of computer science as we came to know it. Digital, I find to be a serious problem because we humans like to choose A or B. We have trouble putting A and B together. But later on I’ll be talking about, at some length, the idea of both plus ...
This is one of the most urgent warnings in the Bible. And it is the only time that the wrath of God is poured out WITHOUT mixture. What does that mean? Well, when God pours out His wrath upon people, it is always MIXED with mercy. But here at the end time, God will remove His...
Why Does the Bible Say Marriage Should Only Be Between Men and Women? Marriage was defined by God, in the very beginning, as one man, one wife, joined together, unity, indivisibility, and that union that takes place. And actually, just the whole complementarity that we are two parts of ...
What does it mean that this girl was “possessed with a spirit of divination”? It means that the slave girl was one who had a demon spirit. It’s likely the case that the slave girl practiced divination, that she consulted spells, books, chants, and other formulas in order to summon ...
The hierarchy does not mean inferiority. It’s God’s design. Someone submits based on God’s design. He set up this system. Paul communicates this in Romans 13:1-7, here the first two verses: 1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God:...