What does glorious mean in the Bible? It isGod's own glory which he gives, and this means the splendour and. brightness of his presence, and the honour and majesty which are his. The Christian can enter into these things as his life is changed to become like that of Christ, and when...
We are called to be the salt and light in the world. But what does that mean? Salt: When salt is applied, it dissolves inward and disappears. The salt speaks of the inward part, the character of the Christian. Light Jesus also described His people as being like light, which is o...
Amen is derived from the Hebrew āmēn, which means“certainty,”“truth,” and “verily.” It is found in the Hebrew Bible, and in both the Old and New Testament. In English, the word has two primary pronunciations: [ ah-men ] or [ ey-men ]. What does pure mean in the Bible?
What does the word “Gospel” actually mean? Here is one dictionary’s definition: “The word gospel comes from the Old English word god meaning ‘good’ and spel meaning ‘news, a story.’ In Christianity, the term ‘good news’ refers to the story of Jesus Christ’s birth, death, ...
Faith is one of those words that is commonly used but not always understood. So, when the Bible uses the word faith, what does it mean? Faith is confidence and trust in who God is and what He says. Christianity.com Editorial Staff Christianity.com Updated Jan 05, 2024 ...
What Does the Bible Say About Being Saved? by Mark Roberts It is difficult to imagine a more important question than the one that forms the title of this article. While concerns in this life dominate most people's attention we ought to be more concerned about the life to come. Are we ...
1:9. Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power. Q. 7. What is the fourth instruction from God's infinity? A. That no place can bar the access of gracious souls to God; They are as near him in a dungeon,...
What does Colossians 4:5-6 mean? In what ways did the Gospel of Thomas agree with what Jesus said or did? What does glory mean in the New Testament? What does Passover mean? What is a parable in the New Testament? What was the purpose of the Sermon on the Mount?
The Apocalypse? What does that word mean? According to Dictionary.com, it means “revelation, disclosure, uncover, reveal.” I found the title page to my mother’s 1982, Holman Bible Publishers, King James Version, it reads: “THE REVELATION TO JOHN (The
What does that mean to you? We all have an innate sense that there is more than what the eye can see. However, since we do not see it, we often fail to believe in it. If we do not believe in it, then we cannot be aware of all that is going on, for a...