Now, he was perfect in all of his ways from the day that God created him. God did not create him a devil. He created him a perfect angel higher than other angels in the status of a cherub. In so far as we know, only three of them are mentioned in the Bible of which he was o...
Expunging Returned Principle: The lender expunges the returned principle that had been created by fiat, which is consistent with our definition, that money is the accounting of transferable incomplete transactions.The Bible and the Fed: Regarding the biblical view of debt, God regulated Israel's ...
Today the word "angel" is a kind of fiat coin of Biblical currency: everybody knows about angels and most of us occasionally use the word "angel" to transfer the wealth of our opinions, but it's frustratingly unclear what sort of "real-world asset" this fiat-concept "angel" represents....
Justin was always prepared. His motto was “Never throw anything out, you never know when it might come in handy.“ His bedroom was so full of fiat bicycle tires, bent tennis rackets, deflated basketballs, and games with missing pieces that you could bar
My message to the president is simple: It’s time for Washington to focus on fixing itself. It’s time Washington take the hit, not the taxpayers.” That sounds good (if you don’t like “Washington,” that is), but what does it mean? McConnell wants people to think that their tax...
What is wrong with the world?I would really love to hear your answer to that question, in the comment section below. Whatever comes to mind.The question does presume that there is actually something wrong with the human world. If you think there isn’t, please say so too....
On this basis, I conclude it is a grave error to equate “absolute obedience” with blind obedience. “Absolute obedience,” as understood here, is in complete harmony with the idea of “conscience before teacher.” A spiritually mature person already knows God’s heart and does not need to...
The Antagonism of Law and Necessity VII. Malthus and Man VIII. The Baby's First Translation PART II. WHAT CHARITY AND THE CHURCHES DID WITH HIM. I. The Milk of Human Kindness, Mother's Milk, and the Milk of the Word II. The Protestant Detectoral Association III. The Sacrament of ...
This does not mean we have already attained perfection—earthly diseases and sicknesses continue to afflict us. But there will soon come a day when resurrected believers will be set free from sin, and from every other malady in the process: ...
Consider this – In the financial arena, some would say that fiat Dollars are fine and dandy, how-freaking-ever; there’s 5000 years of evidence of what works well for People as money. …Take your side. Gnoe what I mean? Truly – It’s really difficult to know, ‘what is right, an...