G县人民法院在审理一起体罚、虐待被监管人案件时,被害人申请法院审判委员会委员王某、刑一庭庭长刘某、参加本案合议庭的人民陪审员陈某及辩护方提出传唤的证人锁某回避。请问:下列选项中,哪些人员应回避?( )(律考•l999年卷二,第80题)
Those who recognize problems as a human condition and don’t measure happiness by an absence of problems are the most intelligent kind of humans we know; also, the most rare.What does the word "trying" (Para. 4) most probably mean()...
So this wordthe, a word that seems to be supporting a significant portion of the entire weight of our language—what does this word mean? It must mean something, right? The Meaning of the WordThe We can say, roughly, that “the” means the word it is attached to refers to a specific...
B:Toward the end. C:Very popular. D:(This is a filler. Do not choose this answer.) 答案: Beyond what is considered normal. 5、 What does the word “symptomatic” mean in Par. 7? A:Being a simple version. B:Being a sign.
When someone uses the term .NET, what they mean greatly depends on context. In this unit, you learn about .NET by looking at it as an ecosystem. In other words, .NET is a collection of many parts and people that together create a powerful environment for building applications....
What does it mean to intend something? It means planning or deciding to do something with a specific purpose in mind. 12 Can "intend" and "want" be used interchangeably? Not usually, as intend involves plans and commitment, whereas want centers on desires. 12 What grammatical forms do "int...
How does etymology help with vocabulary? When we learn a new word, we don’t always know how to use it in a sentence. Understanding the etymological origins of a word makes it easier to use it in a sentence because you know its context. Knowing where words come from is a great way...
What Does It Mean When You See an Owl During the Day? In aninterview with Parade, animal communicator and evidential medium Nancy Mello points out that given owls' ability to have a unique perspective on the world—high up in trees with near270-degree night vision—it should be a reminder...
C.It is as popular among young people in the US as it was. D.It produced smart glasses with two companies’ logos on it. 3. What does the underlined word “tarnished” mean in the passage? A.distinguishedB.abandonedC.globalizedD.spoiled ...
When a language does have two different words that mean the exact same thing, oftentimes one will stop being used, as it's unnecessary, or it will take on a different meaning over time. And two synonyms used in different contexts, by definition, can't be exactly the same. ...