Originally, the American Dream meant “equality, justice, and democracy” for the country, having become popular as part of the Progressive Era’s reaction against what they saw as the material obsession and business corruption of the Gilded Age, historian Sarah Churchwell says. The term was popu...
Does Frick mean the F word? F-word euphemisms Frig, frack, frick, fork, and fug, d'fuq, fux, and WTF (or whiskey tango foxtrot) are all popular substitutions, especially for the spoken f-word. We also now have eff and effing, as well as f-word and f-bomb. Is Flipping a bad w...
So first of all, what does the PA in the group’s name refer to? “It’s ‘Physician Associate‘, a role previously known as a ‘Physician Assistant’,” she explained. “A PA is a member of the healthcare team who works under the supervision of a senior doctor to help care for...
But while “qualia” can be taken from its Latin roots to mean “what kind” (fitting my categorizing conclusion treatment a few posts back) and “phenomenal consciousness” as apparent consciousness, it’s not clear what “like something” can mean. It seems to express a similarity to an u...
We've reached out to sleep experts to answer that age-old question - what does my dream mean? We all have dreams every now and then that really stick in our minds. Ever dreamt about an ex-partner that you haven't thought about in years? How about the one we all hate - finding you...
2001年末,全国共有艺术表演团体2622个,文化馆2911个,公共图书馆2769个,博物馆1373个,档案馆3816个;共出版全国性和省级报纸203亿份,各类杂志 28.5亿册,图书63.5亿册;共有中、短波广播发射台和转播台1313座,电视综合人口覆盖率93.4%;全国有线电视用户7920万户,成为世界上有线电视用户最多的国家...
2001年,教育部颁布了《全日制义务教育美术课程标准(实验稿)》。《标准》将美术课程分为“造型·表现”“设计·应用” “( )”和“( )”四个学习领域,并按将义务教育阶段分为四个学段,即第一学段(1~2年级)、第二学段(3~4年级)、第三学段(5~6年级)、第四学段(7~9年级)。在...
wo@willodom.com 3The University of Texas at Austin School of Information 1616 Guadalupe Austin, TX 78701-1213 Email eryn@mail.ischoolutexas.edu ABSTRACT For over 40 years the notion of the file, as devised by pio- neers in the field of computing, has been the subject of much contention...
Cardillo predicts a further 25-basis-point cut in December, bringing the year's total reduction to 100 basis points. However, this view is not without contention. Institutions like Nomura suggest the Fed may pause its rate-cutting cycle, citing the risks of inflation resurgence and mixed economi...
So, the answer is yes – conflict can be good! Conflict has the capacity not only to cause harm and pain, but also to create a positive change for us [1, 3]. What is another word for conflict in a story? Some common synonyms of conflict are contention, discord, dissension, strife,...