What is the difference between anaphora and apanalepsis? What does precipitating incident mean in literature? What is an example of hyperbole in 'A Sound of Thunder'? What is the meaning of poised? What is circumlocution? What is the purpose of allegory?
What does the word dialogue mean?Question:What does the word dialogue mean?Writing Narrative TextA narrative is a text that tells a story. It may or may not be true. Authors often use a lot of description when writing a narrative, but they also use conversation between the characters to ...
What does republican mean? First off, a quick history of the party: Jefferson’s Democratic–Republican Party broke apart into factions in 1825, and the Republican Party officially adopted its name in 1854. (The Democratic Party took its name in 1844.) The word republican means “of, relating...
We’re going to answer those questions by defining metatextuality, as well as by examining metatextual examples in films/games. By the end, you’ll know the answer to the ever-so-elusive question, “what does metatextuality mean?” Let’s get meta....
What does oxymoron mean? The word oxymoron comes from the Greek root words“oxys-” (which means “sharp”) and “-moros” (which means “foolish”). Combining these two words literally means “sharply foolish.” Ironically, the word “oxymoron” is an oxymoron itself. Oxymorons challenge ...
What does cliché mean? A cliché is an idea or turn of phrase that is considered dull and ineffective because of widespread overuse. Clichés can be verbal or conceptual. A verbal cliché is a banal word or figure of speech. Verbal cliché examples awesome crystal clear Every cloud has a ...
It is an indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance. Allusion does not describe in detail the person or thing to which it refers. It is just a passing comment. In allusion the writer expects the reader to possess enough ...
Mitkov R, Evans R, Orasan C, Ha LA, Pekar V (2007) Anaphora resolution: to what extent does it help NLP applications? In: Proceedings of the 6th discourse anaphora and anaphor resolution colloquium. pp 179–190Ruslan Mitkov, Richard Evans, Constantin Orasan, Le An Ha, and Viktor Pekar....
Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic "I have a dream" speech is a perfect parallelism example, particularly through the recurring start of sentences, an example of anaphora that underpins his vision with unforgettable rhythm. King's speech also leverages parallel construction to highlight contrasts, as...
Anaphora is a rhetorical term for therepetitionof a word or phrase at the beginning of successiveclauses. By building toward aclimax, anaphora can create a strong emotional effect. Consequently, thisfigure of speechis often found inpolemical writingsand passionate oratory, perhaps most famously in ...