Lilies symbolism appears on the Ace of Pentacles card: White lily flowers are used frequently in the classic Rider Waite imagery on multiple cards. Lilies represent purity-of-thought, innocence, mental clarity and keen focus. Lilies are also considered to represent a distinctly female energy, or ...
Each Page is on a journey to become a King or a Queen. Pages also represent messages, and the messages depend on their suit. Are you looking for your own free Tarot reading? Check out thethree-card readingfor more in-depth guidance. What Does the Page of Pentacles Mean? The Page of ...
Please understand the above meanings are generic and not all inclusive. The Lesser Arcana is separated into 4 suits: Wands,Cups,Swords, Coins or Pentacles Wands-represent the element fire, passions, doing or actions Cups-represent the element water, feelings or emotions Swords-represent the element...
MONEY:Money in a dream does not always mean money in real life, but can sometimes represent money that has been expected for some time. More likely your dream is trying to show you value in something. Who had the money in the dream? Were you looking for money? Did you lose money? MO...
Walking on the beach might show a need for rest or a new perspective. The vast ocean can also represent the unknown or yourspiritual side. River Dreams and Personal Journey Rivers in dreams often stand for your life’s path. A smooth, clear river suggests you’re on the right track. ...
Spider Dreams & Tarot Card Meanings Meaning of Spider Dreams in World Mythology What Does It Mean When You Dream About Spiders Okay, I’ve got the he-bee gee-bees thinking about it and writing it was creepy. I feel for you if you’ve awakened following a nasty spider dream! Dreams that...
The Moon is mostly known to represent emotional tides and biological rhythms, but it’s much much more than that... 17/09/2019 Metatron's Cube + Christ Grid Special The Metatron’s cube structure contains bidimensional drawings of all the 5 Platonic Solids: the cube, the tetrahedron, the...
What does September Mean? September Birthstone, Zodiac Sign, Flower, Number & More! As we move into the 9th month of the year (the 7th month on the Julian Calendar system until about 153 BCE), we are greeted with cooling weather and the start of Autumn in the Norther...
I want to stock it with puzzles that represent many different categories - but all should be fairly inexpensive and easy to replace, robust, solvable within a reasonable period of time, and fun. I've bought the examples below to include - can you recommend others? The Cannon of Malta ...
For the New age girl awakening an old soul. This page is about awakening your spiritual side and learning traditional rituals with a modern day twist. Please look out for my daily guidance that includes daily tarot card reading and positive affirmations