Define the term sarcolemma. What do you mean by the term menisci? What would the premature closure of the sagittal suture result in? What does the suffix lysis mean? a) Breakdown. b) Incision. c) Stoppage. d) Surgical puncture.
What is the medical term for destruction? Lysis: Destruction. ... Lysis can also refer to the subsidence of one or more symptoms of an acute disease as, for example, the lysis of fever in pneumonia. What does the suffix Scopy mean?
Cyto-: Prefixdenoting a cell. "Cyto-" is derived from the Greek "kytos" meaning "hollow, as a cell or container." From the same root come the combining form "-cyto-" and the suffix "-cyte" which similarly denote a cell. What does Emia mean in medical terminology? emia: Suffix mean...