small intestine c. large intestine d. stomachIn which major digestive organ does most food absorption occur? a. Stomach. b. Small intestine. c. Large intestine. d. Liver. e. Colon.What are the 3 regions of the small intestines? Can they be identified easily by the study of g...
What is chemical digestion, and where does it occur? Chemical digestion involves the action of enzymes and acids to break down food. It primarily occurs in the stomach and small intestine. 9 What happens to food during digestion? During digestion, food is broken down into smaller molecules, in...
Can the body digest sucrose? Since sucrose is a disaccharide, it must be broken down before your body can use it. Enzymes in your mouth partially break down sucrose into glucose and fructose. However, the majority of sugardigestion happens in the small intestine( 4 ). Is maltose a sugar?
It typically takes about 6 to 8 hours for food to pass through the stomach and small intestine. 7 What does it mean to arrange a meeting? Arranging a meeting involves setting a date, time, location, and agenda for the meeting. 6 How does the stomach help digest food? The stomach uses...
Therefore, the 3 main functions of the digestive system arebreakdown of food, nutrient absorption, and elimination of food waste. How long does food take to digest? After you eat, it takes about6 to 8 hoursfor food to pass through your stomach and small intestine. Food then enters...
What is the enzyme that digests starch into maltose?a. Which organ produces salivary amylase? b. How does the enzyme help in digestion of food?Which of the following contributes to digestion in the small intestine? a. hepatocytes b. pancreas c. rugae d. gallbladder...
There are three carbohydrate products which are absorbed by the small intestine;glucose, galactose and fructose. Digestion of starch is initiated in the mouth, facilitated by salivary amylase. What molecule digests carbohydrates? amylase: Any of a class of digestive enzymes that are present in saliv...
contains tiny glands that produce juices to help digest food. There are also two solid digestive organs, theliverand thepancreas, which produce juices that reach the intestine through small tubes. In addition, parts of otherorgan systems(nervesandblood) play a major role in the digestive ...
When you eat a lot of food at one time, your stomach needs more acid to digest it. Eat 6 small meals each day instead of 3 large meals, and eat slowly. Do not eat meals 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. Drink liquids as directed. Liquids help your digestive system work correctly. Ask ...
There are two main parts of the digestive system: the GI (gastrointestinal) tract and the biliary system. The GI tract is a series of connected organs that run from “top to bottom.” It’s made up of your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus. As you...