Lit:When something is high-energy, super fun, and exciting; can also mean drunk or high Lowkey:Expresses a feeling without too much intensity NGL:“Not gonna lie” Salty:This means you are bitter or mad toward something or someone
The term "salty" is commonly used in slang to describe someone who is behaving or expressing themselves in a resentful, bitter, or irritated manner. It’s often used to describe someone who is being overly sensitive, defensive, or angry, particularly in response to criticism or perceived slight...
Slats are aerodynamic surfaces on the leading edge of the wings of fixed-wing aircraft which, when deployed, allow the wing to operate at a higher angle of attack.What does slats mean in slang?slats, Slang. the ribs. the buttocks. (initial capital letter) a nickname for a tall, slender...
What does salty mean in slang? 'Salty' is defined as 'exceptionally bitter, angry, or upset. ' How do you say okay in slang? However, if your friend asks you to pick up some tacos, and you feel inclined to do so, you can respond with these variations: ...
What does AC mean? AC - The slang word / acronym / abbreviation AC Trending Now Top Ten most popular slang look ups today 1.DW2.SALTY3.THUG 4.LYLAS5.JM6.OML 7.YKWIM8.KUL9.BWG 50 More Top Terms... This could be the only web page dedicated to explaining the ...
Salty; salted. Salt beef; Salt tears Salt Saline. A salt marsh; Salt grass Salt Related to salt deposits, excavation, processing or use. A salt mine The salt factory is a key connecting element in the seawater infrastructure. Salt Bitter; sharp; pungent. Salt Salacious; lecherous; lustful;...
What does big mood mean? This is definitely how I'm feeling Big mood is a term used to express total agreement with something that was said or done. It may also be a way to communicate that you are feeling a certain emotion, but multiplied by a million, whether it be extreme happiness...
What does afresh mean in a sentence? Afresh means to start something again or anew, as in "After failing the first time, he tried afresh." 7 What are examples of things that can be described as fresh? Examples include fresh food, fresh air, and fresh ideas. 7 Can fresh refer to some...
What does pressed mean? 43 +1 Upset When someone is stressed, upset, or annoyed about something, they may say they're feeling pressed. This slang term is meant to convey the "weight" of the annoying thing, pressing in against the person's emotional bandwidth. ...
If you don't know these 50 Gen Z slang words, watch out—you might be "cheugy!" Read on to learn what they mean.