The rete testis is located in the testicle, the male sex gland and is responsible for producing sperm and the hormone testosterone. It is a complex, maze-like network that spermatozoa travel through to reach the epididymis, which are ducts where sperm are stored. The structure of the rete te...
Where is the rete testis located? (a) What is the blood-brain barrier? (b) What is its function? (c) What glial cell is involved in the blood-brain barrier? What are the protective layers on the kidney, from the innermost to outermost?
Da→e→b→d→g→c→f Submit Assertion (A): Vasa efferentia develop from rete testis. Reason (R) : Sperm conduction takes place by the ciliary current View Solution View Solution View Solution View Solution Exams IIT JEE NEET UP Board ...
Text SolutionVerified by Experts The seminiferous tubules of each testicular lobule unit to form a stragith tubule. The straight tubules of different lobules join in an irregular manner to form a network like structure called rete testis. Show More ...
(a) rete testis (b) efferent ductules (c) seminiferous tubules (d) interstitial cells (e) vas deferens. A supporting cell in the seminiferous tubules that nourishes, supports, prepares, releases sperm and forms the blood-testis barrier. Also called a Sertoli cell: ___ Which of the ...
Ramón RogelAna AvarguesSaturnino LujánJesús Andrés BetancourtEnrique BrosetaFrancisco BoronatEuropean Medical Journal Urology
What does Nebenkern mean? :a 2-stranded helical structure of the proximal tail region of a spermatozoon that is derived from mitochondria. What is the name of the enzyme found in the head of sperm? The acrosome is an organelle that develops over the anterior half of the head in the sper...
The test analyses the localisation of three protein biomarkers, including NF-kB, Gli1 and SHH, to classify tumours as likely to have a complete response to (pathCR) or likely to have extreme resistance to CTRT (exCTRT). This aspect of the assay was optimised to assure that potential CTRT...
the m ost com m only —used ones a re te st- rete st reliability,sing le te st a dm inistra tion ,and the prec ision of a n ind iv idual test score . 1.i .Te st- retest relia bility T his is the m ost popu lar ty pe of reliability .in which a g iv en ...
Where is the rete testis located? What maintains the blood testis barrier? What structure has pleurae? Identify the structure from the given description: It occurs as tubules in kidneys. What is the male gonad? Why the male testes hang lower than the abdominal cavity and outside of the body...