As a powerful symbol of your company, your logo is a valuable asset that must be protected. The Playboy logo is a perfect example of a tangible brand element that has become an important business asset. You need to protect your valuable assets, including your logo. Develop brand identity gui...
Just because you’re in one industry, doesn’t mean you have to find your visual inspiration from it only. Shell didn’t look to garages or oil to find the basis for their logo—think imaginatively.StarbucksThe inspiration behind the “Starbucks Siren” emblem logo design is very much based...
For example, when pitching a particularly risqué project exploring bedroom habits of men and women, we learned that just because a project is doing well over at Playboy or Maxim doesn’t mean it would resonate with the primarily female audience over at Cosmopolitan. Especially be aware of ...
In 1953, the iconic Playboy logo was designed in just 10 minutes by the company's first art director, Art Paul. The Playboy bunny appeared on cufflinks in 1955 and soon appeared on many more pieces of merchandise. Logo #45 Liberty Media // Wikimedia Commons Logo #45 Formula 1 Jure Makov...
I did a Google Image Search and the results were disturbing. The first to come up on the list is an IAI loitering munitions drone. Basically this drone hovers around a target until the command gives the order to deliver the payload. It does look a lot like that. Eerily similar. Why ...
The Nestlé logo might seem a little odd at first—what does a bird in a nest have to do with their products? It actually comes from Swiss founder Henri Nestlé's family coat of arms. His family name means "little nest" in German, after all. ...
God, please let that be the case! Haribo Bart We need to have a serious talk about getting a cartoon character as a tattoo. Sure, it is long established by consensus that The Simpsons might just be the greatest animated TV comedy of all time. However...
In 1953, the iconic Playboy logo was designed in just 10 minutes by the company's first art director, Art Paul. The Playboy bunny appeared on cufflinks in 1955 and soon appeared on many more pieces of merchandise. Logo #45 Liberty Media // Wikimedia Commons Logo #45 Formula 1 Jure Makov...
David Niven is perfectly cast as Raymond the aging playboy father of Cecile. He has the cool style and humor of a man who can’t commit to any woman and treats his daughter like a playmate rather than his child. His particular talents as an actor are that he seems to be playing the ...
PLAYBOY: ...this morning you've had two bloody marys, three beers and about four spoons of some white substance and you've been up for only an hour. You don't deny that you're heavily into drugs, do you? THOMPSON: No, why should I deny it? I like drugs. Somebody gave me this...