I mean, I want to protect them from the lies that are out there in the culture, but I also want to protect them from those voices that I think are going to exploit what our real issues and lead them in a wrong direction. And that’s what I think the red pill does. So that’s...
Every now and then, when driving, I realize that I’ve traveled a distance without being consciously aware of surrounding sights and sounds. (Does this ever happen to anyone else?) The radio is playing as usual, and my car traverses the intended course, and – as far as I know – I...
Rabbi Yanklowitz acknowledges the abrupt ending of the book of Jonah and suggests that, “We might write a fifth chapter entertaining the possibilities: does Jonah die, repent, return to Israel, or move to Nineveh? Does he get on board with God’s message of forgiveness, or is he punished...
for 1013, the actors and the fans. This could have been so much more and it should have been. This was a golden opportunity to complete the series in a way that those of us who campaigned for X-Files 3 back in the day didn’t dare to hope for. That opportunity has been squandered...
Without hesitation, my spiritual journey is the richest dimension of my life. That doesn’t mean I’m a guru on a mountain-top. It doesn’t even mean I have more answers than questions — quite the opposite actually. What I mean is this: I have often mused over how very impoverished...
The truth is that God is the one who does it all. He is the one who makes it happen. As soon as you open your heart to his love and call him Father, He does the rest. He isn’t going to ask you to write an essay to find out if you really understand what you are doing. ...
“Just don’t interfere with Him,” she said. “That’s what we do with our sins. And don’t help Him. If I try to do what is good, [He does the rest.] He also comes through our desires. If our desires are good, don’t worry about what is lacking.” ...
See also Norse gods, giants and goddesses The Valkyrie symbol: what is it, and what does it mean? Norse names and their meanings
So, by the time you have finished your coffee, you have had enough bad news to last a week. Does all this bad news make you want to throw open the door and happily charge into the bright, new day? Quite the opposite, right? And how about the way we end the day? Many of us ...
As should be pretty obvious by now, the Holy Bee of Ephesus website no longer updates on the first Saturday of every month. I can’t claim being swamped in other areas of work and home life. This excuse does not hold water from someone who stares slack-jawed at YouTube, streams shows...