So, what do angels really look like? What is a biblically accurate description of an angel? Will we know when we see one? The answer to this actually entirely depends on what form they take. Angels, being spiritual beings, can take on different forms. As we see in Scripture, angels ...
Does that mean that a Christian brother can marry his sister? or a Christian son can marry his mother? Jesus himself anyway ordered his followers to follow the Old Testament, so their argument is totally invalid. Quennel: This is the part that I will address. For one thing Osama builds a...
No prophet says anything of the kind. History does not back it up. Muslims today use a lunar calendar but keep a weekly day as honored. The argument that a continuous weekly cycle is Biblically inconsistent is purely speculative. And that is the polite way to say it.The fourth point, ...
f. We believe that this view is the one that is most biblically based of all. InRomans 11:17-27, the apostle Paul used the analogy of an olive tree to illustrate this. Let me summarise what he wrote: The Covenant is represented by an olive tree. The Israelites are the natural branche...
Medical treatment is supposed to have a favourable risk/benefit analysis, and it absolutely does not in this case. The medical field is about to lose staff who are capable of thinking for themselves and standing up for themselves, and healthcare fo...
6.3 The Bible does speak of cooperation ("be of one mind," "that they may all be one," "labourers together," "keep the unity of the Spirit," "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord," also 1 Cor 12:25). However, biblical cooperation is...