The act of baptism itself does not save someone. It's merely symbolic to represent the death to self (being put in the water) and being resurrected in Christ (being pulled up to the surface). See Ephesians 2:8-9 on what is necessary for salvation. (excerpt by Hope Bolinger, What...
What Paul then states is that, while the Law could not save, it does bear witness to the One who does! The Old Testament points us to Jesus. Jesus teaches the same message in Luke 24 when He goes through the Old Testament with the disciples showing how Moses, the prophets, and the P...
6–14) to the WCC Amsterdam Assembly, in which he offered a biblically informed critique of capitalist society, that the Assembly declined to follow the siren voice of an anti-Communism that would have uncritically aligned the Christian Churches with “bourgeois capitalism” during the Cold War....