试题来源: 解析 B。“on the same wavelength”表示有共同的想法、相互理解。选项 A“have different ideas”表示有不同的想法;选项 C“argue a lot”表示经常争吵;选项 D“be strangers”表示是陌生人。只有选项 B 符合“on the same wavelength”的意思。
For example: If a teacher was really rude to you and you tell me you are angry at her, being on the same wavelenght means that I not only understand your emotion but would have felt the same, ie I do not think you are overeaction. When someone says two other people are on the sa...
i guess we're on the same "wavelength" what does this idiom mean?是什么意思? Mosheh 2021年1月11日 英语(美国) 西班牙语 (墨西哥) It means “we are thinking the same way”. [来自HiNative]Hi!正在学习外语的你 你知道如何提升自己的外语能力吗❓只需写下外语文章并让母语使用者更正!
In radio waves, MHz is used to measure how many times the electromagnetic wave oscillates per second. The frequency is inversely proportional to the wavelength, meaning photons with a high frequency have a short wavelength and vice versa. A photon with a frequency of 1 MHz has a wavelength of...
What Does Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Mean? Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) is wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) with typical channel spacing of 100 GHz for 40 channels and 50 GHz for 80 channels. Each channel contains a TDM (time division multiplex) signal. And each ...
Techopedia Explains Wavelength Division Multiplexing Wavelength division multiplexing systems can combine signals with multiplexing and split them apart with a demultiplexer. And with the proper fiber cable, the two can be done simultaneously; moreover, these two devices can also function as an add/drop...
The average distance between collisions is on the order of 1-100nm at room temperature. If at least one of the device dimensions is the same as the phonon mean-free path or the phonon wavelength, the classical heat diffusion law does not provide valid pred...
This wild, disputed idea about the cosmos says it’s eternal, and that the expansion of our universe Is an illusion.
Researchers with the United States Department of Energy discovered in 2005 that gold shines differently at the nanoscale than it does in bulk. They also noticed that materials possess different properties of magnetism and temperature at the nanoscale [source: U.S. Department of Energy]. Because ...
Ignite involves starting a fire or causing something to burn, focusing on the initiation of combustion. Light, however, can mean to make an area bright with light or to start a fire, being more diverse in application.