What does the Code of Ur-Nammu say? What was the purpose of the Code of Ur-Nammu? What is the Lieber Code? What is the Bushido code? What did the Napoleonic Code do? What was the Napoleonic Code? What were the Black Codes?
What was the significance of the Napoleonic Code? }] Napoleon Bonaparte: Toward the end of the French Revolution (1789-1799), Napoleon Bonaparte took power in a coup d'état. When Bonaparte overthrew the previous French Directory, he planned to reframe the French government, as its current sys...
“Force majeure” is French for “superior force,” and the term originally derives from the Napoleonic Code. As theWorld Banknotes, however, nowadays the term force majeure isn’t specific to one legal system and it generally “means what the contract says it means.” That is, it’s up t...
A similar argument in France meant the law was not clarified there until 2001. Prior to that, under the existing Napoleonic code vasectomy was regarded as “mutilation”, with a similar inference that messing with a man’s testicles makes him particularly unfit as a soldier. ...
Immanuel Kant was a great thinker on space and time. Yet, his own sense of timing was hardly irreproachable. He published ‘Perpetual Peace’, his blueprint, a few years before the Napoleonic Wars. 225 years after Kant’s masterpiece came out, what does it tell us about the tragedy of...
Ian thinks:Talking about etiquette, very interesting to see norms set by user interface design decisions. Obviously set to benefit the company but its stuck now. Exploiting technology or exploited by technology? Ian thinks:Curious tale, but it does raise a question about digital access and backup...
There have been many games that have tried to bestTwilight Struggleat what it does in simulating the Cold War. Many have tried and many have failed….but there is an upcoming game on the Cold War that might just give it a run for its money, even though it is a very different game ...
Every time one of these FIRE-ees announces their return to work, I think of another soldier falling to cannon-fire amid the thinning ranks of a Napoleonic line. I take it personally, I suppose. Why? Because if it happened to them, it can happen to me. I’ve banked a lot on FIRE...
MMSociedad Aeronáutica de Medellín(IATA code for Colombian airline) MMMagnae Matri(Latin: To the Great Mother, epigraphy) MMMariner Mars(1964-1971 exploratory satellites) MMMithaniel Marr(gaming, EverQuest) MMMateriel Manager MMMinistria e Mbrojtjes(Ministry of Defence, Albania) ...
what does the road ahead look like? Not so promising. With every new version, Windows seems to be almost doubling in the size and complexity of the code as well as in the size of the project team. Windows 95, for example, was 15 million lines of ...