What Does Amba Mean? Ambais a Sanskrit word meaning “mother.” It is also one of the more popular names of the Hindu goddess Druga, particularly in western India. As Druga, she is frequently referred to as Amba Bhavani and representsshakti, the feminine divine energy. In the “Mahabharata...
The role of bill of exchange in import export businessThe role of CBEC - Central Board of Excise and Customs in India.The Role of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)The term FCL. What is FCL meansThe term LCL. What does LCL mean?
Something Neil Patel does .I want to be your student! And you my teacher Reply Ramsay on June 19, 2017 That’s very kind of you. I don’t really do anything like that at the moment but you can ask your question and I’ll help out a little bit for sure. Reply Janine on ...