In Ezekiel, we get the description of ophanim. The wordophanimis plural of ophan (also spelled ofan, owfan, and ophinnin), meaning wheels. The Bible does not specifically name the ophanim as angels. However, Jewish apocalyptic writers list them as angels because of three aspects: their eye...
Baʿal Berith ("Lord of the Covenant") and El Berith ("God of the Covenant") are two gods, worshiped in Shechem, in ancient Canaan, according to the Bible. What is Theopneustos? : given by inspiration of the Spirit of God : divinely inspired. What does Covenant mean in Hebrew?
Today, we are going to take a deep dive the process of spiritual formation and holistic discipleship by answering questions such as, “Does our popular understanding of discipleship produce some of the unhealthiness, stagnation, and decline we see all around us in the church?” and “What if...
The name hasbeen a strong, constant monicker for artistsand more for decades. But the name has a richer history than only Hollywood. James is a modern descendant of Iacomus, the Latin form of the Hebrew name Jacob. Two of the twelve apostles in the Bible had the name of James. What ...
Paul David Tripp suggests that if isolation from the culture (rejection) is on one end of the spectrum, and immersion in the culture (assimilation) is on the other end, then Christians can find a biblically-appropriate place between the two. He calls this place, “redemption interaction.” ...
What is the origin of the name Leah? Leah is of Hebrew origin, associated with a biblical figure, and often means "weary." 12 How does Lea differ from Leah? Lea is a variant spelling of Leah, more common in European countries, reflecting local linguistic norms. 9 Why choose the name ...
God does not ban all fictitious magic, but in Deut. 18 and other Scriptures he does condemn actual pagan idolatry.
What Does "God Is within Her She Will Not Fall" Mean? “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at the break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he...