: Melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, meaning the different cultures or races forming an integrated society. It is a concept that a number of ethnicgroups, cultures and religions of a society melt together to produce aharmonious new cultural and social...
melting pot 字面意思是 “熔炉”,实际意思是不同民族或思想融合混杂的地方或状况通常以 a melting pot 出现,所以这句话应该改为 What is a melting pot?
本期外教讲座,我们非常荣幸地邀请到了我校美籍教师Jim Nelson,为同学们带来“What Makes America a Melting Pot?”主题讲座。现在,就让我们一起回顾一下这场讲座的精彩内容吧! 1 冰水交融:多元文化的融合 “将不同形状的冰块放入水...
characteristically American.The major factors contributing to the making of this new nation and the forming of a new culture are the hard environment,ethnic diversity and plural religion,which is quite different from other nations in the world.What is more,these elements are still influencing the ...
the phrase E Pluribus Unum has been affixed on the American Seal. Melting pot takes every culture that you put in and melts it into the whole. Each culture impacts the whole and is impacted by the whole. They become...
1{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}What is the difference between "salad bowls" and "melting pot" A.The difference between rationalism and materialismB.the former represents disintegration and the latter represents integrationC.the former emphasizes differences and individual identity, the latter emphasizes common ...
思该眼即满见天状天情听了发又志连记放解群思该眼即满见天状天情听了发又志连记放解群“Our family is a real melting pot. What does
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takes on adidas's own brand style and vision.Clover series are very suitable for young people to choose.Next,this paper wants to introduce something about some advantages of co-branding. Brand is made up of different companies working together to create the bra Adidas包括三叶草、Y-3和发行衣物...
Area automobile-part factories had laid off thousands of workers since the 1980s. Like Waltz, 90 percent of Fairfield residents were white.The Melting Pot: How Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Can Divide a Community-And What Can Be Done to Unite Residents...