What does Har mean? Pronounce Har [syll.har,ha-r ] The baby boy name Har is also used as agirl name. Its pronunciation is HHAAR †. Har is used predominantly in the Indian language and its origin is Sanskrit. Har is a variant of the nameHari(Indian)....
Haru is a Japanese word that means "spring (season)". Haru is also a Korean word that means "day" in Korean. What does hodaka mean? Hodaka was a joint Japanese and American company that manufactured motorcycles from 1964 to 1978. ... The name Hodaka comes from a mountain near the fact...
What does harufu nzuri mean in Swahili? English Translation fragrant More meanings for harufu nzuri fragrance noun harufu nzuri aroma noun harufu nzuri curly-haired harufu nzuri fragranced harufu nzuri fragrances harufu nzuri smells good harufu nzuri sweet-smelling harufu ...
What does this name mean? Kyouko, which can also be spelled Kyoko, has a wide variety of meanings. The suffix, "-ko", usually means "child" and is a common way to end a female Japanese name. Possible meanings for "kyo" include "respectful" "of today""apricot" "mirror" ...
For example, 赤 (あか/aka)=red is a noun with out the hiragana at the end and 赤い (あかい/akai) is used as an adjective with the hiragana at the end in Kunyomi. Along with 食べます、行きます、etc. Also you should avoid writing you name in Kanji because most Japanese have a...
Anime fans may know by heart the names of their favorite characters or even theme songs, but how much do they know about Japanese culture? There are many mistakes visitors from the West or any country can make when travelling to Japan. Perhaps it is not too surprising that many anime fans...
My Roommate Is A Catis about a reclusive mystery author who takes in a stray cat named Haru. Through this simple act, Subaru's dreary world begins to open up - now he has to take his cat to the vet, visit the pet store, and let other people pet her. Not only ...
However, the Dutch who colonized the Southeast Asian island chain before the Japanese came and took control of the 17,000 or so islands, were keen on reclaiming their former possession by all means necessary. Skirmishes broke out across the new country – particularly on the islands of Java ...
From 2014 to 2017 under the governorship of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, more commonly known as Ahok, TransJakarta’s Chinese-made buses, of which many had problems in the past, were replaced by more reliable Japanese and Swedish buses. The ethnic Chinese Christian governor of majority Muslim Jakart...
harufu mbaya bad odor harufu mbaya Find more words! harufu mbaya See Also in Swahili harufu noun smell mbaya bad See Also in English smell noun, verb harufu, -toa harufu bad adjective mbaya, -baya/-bovu Nearby Translations harufu Harry Harrier harrier hariri nje -harir...