In its simplest form, a Tarot card reading involves simply focusing on something you want to know, shuffling a deck of Tarot cards, and then pulling one or more cards from the deck at random. The most important part of a Tarot reading comes in the interpretation. As you examine and ...
We live in a world that worships the reductionistic mechanistic scientific view of life.Anything mysterious, magical, or remotely spiritual in nature is scorned and looked down upon. We pretend we’re ‘above all that childish nonsense’ when, in reality, it’s what we need the most. As cl...
This full moon is inevitably opposed to the sun and also opposes Mercury very close to the sun in the last degrees of Aquarius. Under the influence of our emotions, our minds become changeable. Our ideas and desires are marked by impatience, with the need to satisfy our cravings instantly. ...
The names of different moves in tai chi, like the names of the cards in a Tarot deck, are a way of organizing information and describe categories with their own unique purpose. For this reason, the tai chi moves can be considered icons. When linked together in a complete set of tai chi...