What does the name Ezra mean? Ezra is a biblical name meaning“help” or “helper” in Hebrew. ... Origin: Ezra comes from the Hebrew word azar meaning “help,”“aid,” or “protect.” The original long form of the name may have been Azaryahu, meaning “God helps” or “God prot...
How to Learn Hebrew Competency in the Hebrew language is the single most crucial skill you can acquire before making Aliyah. Does this mean that Aliyah is off the table if you don’t speak a word of Hebrew? No, it is fairly simple to get by day to day living in English, especially...
for instance, proposed circumstances in which it was not economically feasible to have female slaves breed.”12Does sexual use, however, inevitably mean breeding of new slaves, or does it more generally take the form of “concubinage” to the master or other “ee” male in the household...
reading. The portion is known as the haftarah (hahf-tah-RAH, or in Ashkenazic Hebrew: hahf-TOH-rah). On two fast days, Yom Kippur and Tisha B’av, a haftarah is recited at both morning and afternoon services. While the Torah reading cycle proceeds from Genesis through Deuteronomy, ...
Aliyah today. Israel is good, it is the Land of my King and always will be, but those who go are leaving a very safe and very easy way of life here in order to go to a place where living is expensive, jobs are hard to get unless you speak Hebrew as well as a native-born...
But in the Jewish case, all I mean is awareness of oneself as a community possessing certain internal bonds which are neither superior nor inferior but simply different in some respects from similar bonds which unite other nations. It does not preclude holding a large area of ideals in common...